Northern Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society
keeping our past
alive since 1905

Our Past
In May of 1905 a group of Flagstaff citizens got together and organized the Pioneers Society of Northern Arizona. Their goal was to "fully and reliably perpetuate the memory of the early times and early incidents of the Pioneer days of Northern Arizona." Over the next few decades they gathered historical accounts of those early times and sponsored evening speakers and annual picnics.
Today the organization is known as the Northern Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society (NAPHS). The name is slightly different but the goal has not changed.
Our Present
The Northern Arizona Pioneers’ Historical Society (NAPHS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, collection, preservation and perpetuation of the history of northern Arizona. In pursuit of this mission NAPHS shall support the northern sites of the Arizona Historical Society and other organizations which promote the history of northern Arizona.
Our Partners
•Riordan Action Network
•Friends of Fort Valley
•Arizona Historical Society
•Arizona State Parks
Together we are saving our past.
Learn more on the Projects page..
Get Involved
Visit the "Get Involved" tab to learn about the many ways you can help through volunteer opportunities and donations.
Thank you in advance!

Visit our Special Events tab to learn about about fun ways to help NAPHS support Pioneer Museum, Riordan Mansion and the Fort Valley Experimental Forest Service Station.